Back with another themed edition of Rich Embury’s R3TROGRAD3! This time, Rich plays music from albums, released This Week In Rock History, and there are a lot! Tons of KISS albums dropped this week in history, like ‘Lick It Up,’ Asylum,’ ‘Crazy Nights,’ and the four Solo Albums! We’ll hear tunes from all (except Peter’s solo). Also albums from Kix, Fight, Motorhead, King Diamond, Scorpions, Twisted Sister, Triumph, Megadeth, Lizzy Borden, Anthrax, Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath, Dokken, Down, Bon Jovi, and a two album releases from Guns N’ Roses the same day, this week in rock history.The Demolition Spotlight🚨 features bluesy hard rockers Blind Perception. Also the regular segments Take Cover💥 featuring bands doing other bands, and the Weekly Sting🐝 featuring a random W.A.S.P. song from their massive catalogue! The Women of rock and metal are featured as always in the newly renamed segment W.O.W. – Women On Wax🚺! This time, ALL the bands are 100% Female, which includes Ivy Crown, Level C, Nobro, Lovebites, The Agony and Ice Age! As always, Requests and so much more! This edition of Rich Embury’s R3TROGRAD3 originally aired LIVE on Pure Rock Radio, September 16th, 2020 (replayed on September 18th, 2020).
🔞This time on Rich Embury’s R3TROGRAD3, The Demolition Spotlight🚨 returns, as Madison Erhardt from Saintvicious joins me in hour 2 to discuss and spin their brand new, stellar single “Sticks
Rich Embury’s R3TROGRAD3 returns to CRANK IT LOUD with more Hard Rock and Heavy Metal from David Lee Roth / Dio / Scorpions / South Of Salem / Operator /
Rich Embury’s R3TROGR4D3 returns to CRANK IT LOUD with more brand NEW Hard Rock and Heavy Metal from P.O.D. (Feat. Randy Blythe) / Florence Black / Ryujin (Feat. Matthew K.